A big heat treatment furnace with a self-propelled cart was built and put into operation in Republic of Tatarstan in Russia

In October 2020, our company delivered an annealing furnace with a self-propelled cart to the client in Naberezhnye Chelny city (Russia, Republic of Tatarstan). The COVID-19 world epidemiological situation has taken a lot of troubles, which affected on the work of most companies, borders total lockdown has a huge impact, but our company successfully passed through this, and we were able to bring our team of Chinese engineers to Russia for installing furnace.
This furnace was purchased for annealing metal pipe products, 55 tons of pipe products can be placed on the self-propelled cart, furnace maximum temperature is 1200°C, heating process is fully automatic operate by Siemens’s controller according to the temperature curve. You can see more details of this furnace by clicking on this link. We can design furnaces according to your requirements.
Installation began with a welding furnace frame. The next step, after welding frame on the ground, was to lift and place the frame on the basis. Then, specialists started assembling the cart and installing it on the railways. After that, we proceeded to lining furnace and cart. Furnace lining was made with ceramic wool, which was installed using a special technology. Cart lining was made of 2 types of bricks, the first one was light, heat-insulating and the second one was heavy, mechanical damage resistant. Then we installed furnace, roof, attachments, exhaust pipe and covered the furnace body, airline, and gas line with heat-resistant paint.
After finishing furnace installation, we started commissioning works. Our specialists adjusted the proportions of the gas-air mixture for each nozzle, and then proceeded to set up IPC and software. After successfully setting up the furnace, the next step was to dry furnace. After dry ends, the furnace was handed over to the client for a trial period and was successfully put into operation.

2020-12-02 20:42